Each line is flush on the left with the lines about and below. 每一行的左边都上下对齐。
Chinese companies may be less flush as the economy slows but they are unlikely to be left behind. 由于经济增长放缓,中国企业可能不像日本同行那样财大气粗,但它们也不大可能掉队。
To readers, this flush left style looks more contemporary than the indented paragraph style. 对于读者而言,左边平整的格式看起来比缩进式更具时代的特色。
The greeting words are written flush without any blank. Two blanks are left at the beginning of every paragraph of the text, while other lines are written flush. 问候语顶格写,不留空格。正文每段开头空两格,其余各行顶格写。
In this style all parts of the letter are typed flush with the left margin. 在这种格式中,信函的每一个部分都与信签的左边齐平。
A headline with the top line flush left and succeeding lines indented to the right. 大标题的首行左对齐接下一行右对齐。
Paragraphs are usually rendered flush left with a ragged right margin. 段落通常情况下会从左侧开始并在右侧留有不规整的空白。
I felt a hot flush over my whole body as his fingers left my clitoris and actually penetrated my vagina. 当他的手指离开那一点,而将我刺穿的时候,我感到一股热流点燃我的整个身体。